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Model AC-54
Control Damper
Narrowline Aluminum Airfoil Blade
AC-54 control damper employs narrowline aluminum airfoil blades that operate within an aluminum channel frame for automatic air control and manual balancing in low to medium pressure and velocity applications.
Standard Construction
Frame: 4" x 1" x 0.081" minimum (102 x 25 x 2.1) extruded aluminum channel.
Blades: 4" (102) heavy gauge, dual wall extruded aluminum - airfoil. Opposed.
Axles: 1/2" (13) diameter plated steel hex.
Linkage: Concealed in frame.
Bearings: Synthetic.
Seals: PVC blade edge seals and flexible metal jamb seals.
Control Shaft: 1/2" x 6" (13 x 152) round drive axle with outboard shaft support bracket and bearing supplied on all single section dampers for field installation.
Minimum Size: 6" x 9" (152 x 229)
Maximum Size: Single Section: 60" x 72" (1524 x 1829)
Multiple Sections: Unlimited
Leakage: 7.0 cfm/ft2 @ 10.0 in. wg. (0.04 m3/s/m2 @ 2.50 kPa)
6.0 cfm/ft2 @ 7.0 in. wg. (0.03 m3/s/m2 @ 1.70 kPa)
4.0 cfm/ft2 @ 4.0 in. wg. (0.02 m3/s/m2 @ 0.90 kPa)
Temperature: -10oF to 150oF (-23oC to 66oC)